煙花宇宙為新媒體創作團隊,自 2012 年成立數位音像實驗室,以新媒體視覺影像來詮釋聲響及音樂。早期以即時音像演出 (VJing) 發跡於獨立樂團、地下派對及影視圈,後以劇場、大型藝文活動和展覽作為主要展演場域。經多元的文化場域所洗禮,創作手法常集結跨領域內容,如:實驗錄像、街頭塗鴉、媒體動畫、光雕投影 (Mapping)及投影裝置等,並持續拓展創作領域。期許運用光與色彩突破實體場域的視覺疆界,將非典型影像帶入日常生活領域,呈現出萬千腦海裡的迷幻宇宙。
“Endospace” founded in 2012 by new media creators, based on visualizes sound and music with videos to make the VJing works. We play the sounds and music with new media images, such as experimental photography, graffiti art, visual effects/animation, projection mapping, and media installations. Nowadays, our main work is more focused on our art, exhibitions, and culture events. We aim to keep trying to bring experimental visual into daily life and let imagination could be shown in physical space via light and colours.
“Endospace” founded in 2012 by new media creators, based on visualizes sound and music with videos to make the VJing works. We play the sounds and music with new media images, such as experimental photography, graffiti art, visual effects/animation, projection mapping, and media installations. Nowadays, our main work is more focused on our art, exhibitions, and culture events. We aim to keep trying to bring experimental visual into daily life and let imagination could be shown in physical space via light and colours.