近期實體展出《巢》"Nest" Installation Exhibition
地點:板橋435藝文特區 光復館
日期:2022/8/5 (五) - 9/11 (日)
作品影像展出《巢》"Nest" Record Video Exhibit
Aesthetica Art Prize 2022
2022/6/24 - 9/18 (GMT+0)
Opening times
Wednesday – Sunday, 11am – 5pm.
Exhibition Square, York, YO1 7EW
"Nest" is an inner sense of security, the beginning of the flowing of emotions, and the home to which we eventually return. In the current state where the global collective consciousness rises again, the group Endospace initiated a project where it uses deconstructed components to re-structure the cognitive and spatial field of the immersive projection, showing multiple situational video works in circulation. The purpose of the exhibition is to reproduce the visual manifestation of the heart and the soul. It is an articulation of the state of feeling discomfort to calmness. In a viewing experience that owns no narratives, this exhibition reconstructs the experience and observation of the affective self.
This exhibit project has been awarded "The 19th Taishin Arts Award: Season 4 Nominated". The art work has been awarded "The Selected Work in Mixed Media Category at the 2021 National Art Exhibition, R.O.C.", and has also been Longlisted for the Aesthetica Art Prize 2022 in UK.
Event: 巢 獨立影音計畫展 N:NEST | Independent Visual and Sound Project Exhibition
Location: 臺北 新樂園藝術空間 Shin Len Yuan Art Space, Taipei
Photo Credit: 蔡寧 Tsai Ning
計畫主持 Curator & Visual/ 周玥 Chou Yueh
影音統籌 Producer & Visual/ 葉長奇 Kurtis Yeh
影像製作 Animation/ 簡偉如 Kurosu Chien
展間及裝置設計 Exhibits & Installation/ 蔡寧 Tsai Ning
展覽行政協力 Administrator/ 劉義暐 Amy Liu
展覽宣傳 Promoter/ 鄭小龍 Peter Cheng
平面攝影創作 Photography Creator/ 葉長杰 Billy Yeh
展覽顧問 Exhibition Consultant/
張雅萍 Chang Ya Ping, 洪芷寧 Hong Tze Ning
展覽商品設計製作 Product Design & Production/
歐陽文慧 Ouyang Wen Hui, 蔡語彤 Tsai Yu Tung
展間音樂 Music (Offline Version)/
oilchic3 aka DJ U-CAN, 蔡寧 Tsai Ning
影音計畫音樂創作 Music (Online Version)/
三小湯 Triple T, Major7, 陳顥 Chen Hao
攝影師 Director of Photography/
周奕 Chou Yi, 徐雲生 Hsu Yun Sheng
Project Cooperators:
新樂園藝術空間 Shin Len Yuan Art Space
諸善行藝有限公司 All Benevolent Art Co.,Ltd.
晟弘科技有限公司 Trust Worthy Ltd.
Special Thanks:
諸善行藝有限公司 All Benevolent Art Co.,Ltd.
晟弘科技有限公司 Trust Worthy Ltd.
Special Thanks:
賀哲怡 Doris Ho
曾鈺婷 Tseng Yu Ting
鄭子靖 Cheng Tzu Ching
鄭智中 Mindos
蔡名修 Tsai Ming Hsiu
劉亭妤 Liu Ting Yu
張顥馨 Chang Hao Hsing
潘承佑 Pan Cheng Yu
黃貞勻 Huang Chen Yun
王俊元 Wang Chun Yuan
金皓哲 Jin Hao Che
黎育宣 Li Yu Hsuan
蔡牧容 Tsai Mu Jung
陳冠豪 Chen Kuan Hao
林易璇 Lin I Hsuan
徐宏愷 Hsu Hung Kai
曾鈺婷 Tseng Yu Ting
鄭子靖 Cheng Tzu Ching
鄭智中 Mindos
蔡名修 Tsai Ming Hsiu
劉亭妤 Liu Ting Yu
張顥馨 Chang Hao Hsing
潘承佑 Pan Cheng Yu
黃貞勻 Huang Chen Yun
王俊元 Wang Chun Yuan
金皓哲 Jin Hao Che
黎育宣 Li Yu Hsuan
蔡牧容 Tsai Mu Jung
陳冠豪 Chen Kuan Hao
林易璇 Lin I Hsuan
徐宏愷 Hsu Hung Kai